Every once in a while, an active nurse gets their license revoked. It can be caused by various numbers of reasons. It can because you forgot to renew your license, or you were accused of some gross charges and many other reasons like these.
A nurse’s license can also get revoked when they go void and null. One must get their license reinstated properly for any future employment in Florida or any other state. There is usually a way to get your license reinstated.
It is often referred to as Petition for reinstatement. Let’s understand the proper way to get your nursing license reinstated.
Understand why the license was revoked
The very first step is to understand the reason why your license was revoked. There can be multi reasons behind it such as
- Late for renewal,
- DUI conviction,
- Gross negligence for wasting errors,
- Patient care issues,
- Giving medicines without proper order.
You need to get to the bottom of the reason to apply for reinstatement properly.
Filing the petition
When you have got the proper knowledge of your revoked license, then you should write an application to the proper authority such as the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN).
This is called as the Petition for reinstatement. To file that petition, you must provide the following things;
- Your identification proofs
- Your fingerprints
- Your license numbers.
Written application
Along with all the above-mentioned documents proof, you must provide a written piece of explanation
- what was your issue,
- whether you are currently employed anywhere or not,
- what your future plans are after getting your license reinstated.
Submission of fee charges
You must submit the application along with the filing fee of $180 or cheque submitted to the department of the board of registered nursing.
When the fees are submitted, and the application has been filed, you wait for the board to give you a period to get prepared to appear in front of the board and answer them accordingly while waiting for the hearing date. When you are asked to talk about your issue mentioned in the application, you must be fully prepared.
If the board agrees with you and provide the reinstatement of a license, you can get back to work immediately. If the case is not in your favor, you will be given a period in which you can re-apply the petition.
There is a solid chance that if your reasons are totally valid and honest, then your license will get reinstated in no time.
Legal consultation
If the matter is worse than you expect, you must take the legal consultation into consideration because there are some actions which must be properly treated according to the law.
As important it is for any nurse to have an active license in any state including Florida, same importance should be given to have the license reinstated if revoked. Any nurse working can be affected by such actions. That is why the legal process has some proper procedure.
Many employers are not interested in those nurses whose licenses are not currently active. This also means a loss in a financial way.
One must get their license properly reinstated to enjoy a tension free working experience.